Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 8, 2018

Bird Saliva Soup Or Collagen Supplement

I have a confession to make today.
I seriously think that I’ve reached an age where skin care is QUEEN and any product that can help to battle fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin would get my attention.
Besides skin care products, I also believe in ‘beauty from within’. That simply means paying attention to what we put into our body and not just what we put on it. The key is to achieve great skin by staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet (especially food that is rich in anti-oxidants) and taking beauty supplements to tackle specific beauty concerns.
Bird Saliva Soup Or Collagen Supplement
Bird Saliva Soup Or Collagen Supplement

Recently, I went to Eu Yan Sang to purchase some health supplement for my mother-in-law. I saw their premium concentrated Bird Saliva Soup series on the shelf. When I saw these words on the packaging – best rejuvenating supplement and maintain glowing completion, I was totally sold!
In our Chinese history, the empresses and concubines ate Bird Saliva Soup for health and beauty. Bird Saliva Soup is one of the best tonic foods trusted by generations. But is it really that good as compared to those collagen supplements that we have now?
Now, I’m wondering which one is better… Bird Saliva Soup or Collagen Supplement? What do you think?

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