Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 8, 2018

Should I consume Bird Saliva Soup during confinement?

This centuries old Chinese delicacy is coveted for it's health and beauty properties. But is it beneficial for a mummy during confinement? Find out now.
As you know, Bird Saliva Soup during confinement is sworn by mums, grandmas and great grandmas for their beautifying and health properties. But are they safe to be consumed during your confinement period?
If you’re undecided on whether you should take Bird Saliva Soup, we discuss its pros and cons and how it will affect you.
Should I consume Bird Saliva Soup during confinement?
Should I consume Bird Saliva Soup during confinement?

Bird Saliva Soup during confinement

The Bird Saliva Soup soup is a Chinese delicacy that has been around for over 400 years. It is made from the nest of a particular type of bird, the swiftlet, found in parts of South East Asia.
The nests are made out of the saliva strands of the bird which contain protein, calcium and other vitamins and minerals. It is the saliva that is said to pack a powerful punch and makes it a much sought after delicacy.

Health benefits for mummy

Consuming Bird Saliva Soup during confinement is said to have many health and restorative benefits for consumers young and old. Some of these include regulating blood supply, maintaining a beautiful and bright complexion and enhances the rebirth of cells and tissue due to the presence of a polypeptide hormone – Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in Bird Saliva Soup.
Due to this EGF, many TCM practitioners have advocated the consumption of Bird Saliva Soup during confinement and pregnancy. The EGF supposedly helps the mum recover faster from childbirth as well as improve both her and baby’s complexion (especially if breastfeeding is involved).

Not all good

However, not everyone is sold on the benefits of Bird Saliva Soup during confinement. Many mums out there swear against Bird Saliva Soup during confinement as it is believed to be a ‘cooling’ food and should be avoided during confinement (where one is supposed to be consuming ‘heaty’ foods instead). The ‘cooling’ factor is believed to increase the chances of your child developing asthma.
Bird Saliva Soup is also made up of the gelatinous strands. When not cleaned properly (of the twigs, feathers etc) it can be quite harmful to a recovering mum in confinement.

Should I or shouldn’t I?

So the question then is whether you should take it during confinement post-pregnancy or not. We believe that if you choose to take Bird Saliva Soup during confinement, do so moderately (once or twice a week). You should also be very selective when getting the Bird Saliva Soup. Because there are those of inferior quality as well as those which have been chemically treated and bleached.
These Bird Saliva Soups can be harmful to both you and your baby. Thus, it is important to get your Bird Saliva Soup supply from a trusted brand such as Eu Yan Sang and Hock Hua.
We hope you found this information useful. Do also share with us your thoughts on consuming Bird Saliva Soup during confinement. Below is a video of how to prepare Bird Saliva Soup

Making Bird Saliva Soup Soup for Pregnancy

Bird Saliva Soup created by edible-nest swiftlets using solidified saliva, which are harvested for human consumption. They are particularly prized in Chinese culture due to their rarity, and supposedly high nutritional value and exquisite flavor.
Bird Saliva Soups are among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans, with nests being sold recently at prices up to about US$2,000 per kilogram, depending on grading. The type or grading of Bird Saliva Soup depends on the type of bird as well as the diet of the bird. It differs in colour from white to dark brown.


Let’s face the fact and admit it – which lady doesn’t aspire and dream to have radiant, flawless, soft, and smooth skin? Not just for yourselves, but also to get them boys flocking all over you and going oh so gaga (that dream is real ladies, we know it).
Bird Saliva Soups are among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans, with nests being sold recently at prices up to about US$2,000 per kilogram, depending on grading
Recent studies have shown that Bird Saliva Soup contains a growth factor called the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), which stimulates cell growth and proliferation. EGF is a form of protein which has anti-aging abilities, stimulates skin growth at the cellular level, and may also increase collagen production.
You got that right ladies – you’ll have an increased chance of regenerating newer and younger faces on a weekly, or even daily basis, depending on how often you consume Bird Saliva Soup, and how much your body can absorb in a given time. This varies according to each individual.


Just look at the picture above. Can you tell who the mother is? This is probably a hard one eh?
You got that right ladies – you’ll have an increased chance of regenerating newer and younger faces on a weekly, or even daily basis, depending on how often you consume Bird Saliva Soup, and how much your body can absorb in a given time
Let’s help you out – The one on the left is the mother. ‘Nuff said I guess? And yes, the mother has claimed during an interview that the secret to her looking young – or even younger – as compared to her daughter, is that she eats Bird Saliva Soup on a regular basis. About 3-4 times a week. You can imagine the amount of time, effort, and money she has spent to achieve that. Phew! As the saying goes, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones.
If you actually do watch Voice of China, she’s actually one of the contestants with a great powerful voice, and was in the championship round for Season 3. Her name’s 陳冰, and ever since she posted this photo on her Weibo account, her mother has been getting various attention and questions about the secret to her youthful looks.
Don’t worry, you’re welcome.


Beauty pills, slimming pills, weight loss pills, “miracle” pills, enhancement pills, the list goes on..
Every lady has probably tried one or two in their lifetime – and realized it was nothing but little to 0 positive effects, but more of many negative side effects.
You can imagine the amount of time, effort, and money she has spent to achieve that. Phew! As the saying goes, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones.
So why not try taking Bird Saliva Soup regularly as a change instead? It’s scientifically proven to be approximately 50% crude protein, and 50% essential amino acids. Protein is the building block for blood, muscle, tissue, and skin. So why not give it a try? It’s a natural supplement (that tastes tasty if prepared with tender loving care) that has 0 side effects – unless you are allergic to high amounts of protein, that is.
Also, by building more muscle in your body, it’ll become a natural fat-burning “pill” within your body. And yes, of course, you have to combine this with regular exercise.
Also, you should note that Bird Saliva Soup are rich in calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and loads of other stuff that’s good for us. It’s a whole load of protein and multi-mineral in one package. Talk about 2-in-1.
Substitute for that daily multi-vitamin and multi-mineral pill you take every morning, which you find so hard to swallow? Check.
Look beautiful, young (look at point 2), and maintain that slim figure, with 0 side effects? Sounds great.


As the saying goes, a confident woman is the most beautiful.
Every lady has probably tried one or two in their lifetime – and realized it was nothing but little to 0 positive effects, but more of many negative side effects.
If you look young, have a radiant complexion, and have a slim figure, all from eating Bird Saliva Soup regularly – without having to face the many side effects of a “miracle pill” – you bet you’ll feel confident. It’s about the value it brings to you too.
But really, being confident does make you stand out from the crowd ladies. Take note of that. It works like a charm on men, too. But please – don’t boast. That’s a huge turn off.


As mentioned above, there is a limit on how much nutrients a human body can absorb at a given time. Extra nutrients that are not absorbed are excreted from the body.
But really, being confident does make you stand out from the crowd ladies. Take note of that. It works like a charm on men, too. But please – don’t boast. That’s a huge turn off.
Hence, consuming small amounts of Bird Saliva Soup soup regularly is much more beneficial than eating a large quantity at one time. Rather than eating 10 nests in 1 day when you’re tired or sick, eat 1 nest per day for 10 days and you will feel healthier and more energetic.
Long term consumption of small amounts of Bird Saliva Soup have shown to have the best effects.


I suggest you an easy method for how to cook Bird Saliva Soup in a slow cooker.
– Once done the cleaning Bird Saliva Soup process, pour all cleaned Bird Saliva Soup into a slow cooker. Rinse the dates and put on top the cleaned Bird Saliva Soup in the slow cooker. Add in the rock sugar.
Rather than eating 10 nests in 1 day when you’re tired or sick, eat 1 nest per day for 10 days and you will feel healthier and more energetic.
How to cook Bird Saliva Soup in a slow cooker with easy steps
– Add enough water to cover the ingredients and let it cook in the slow cooker for 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on your desired texture.
Bird Saliva Soup cooked in the slow cooker for 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on your desired texture
– You may also cook it with pandan leaves for a different dimension and aroma.
The gooey, gelatinuos Bird Saliva Soups, strands still intact


Long term consumption of small amounts of Bird Saliva Soup have shown to have the best effects.
Simple methods for you to know how to cook Bird Saliva Soup with rock sugar:
– Prepare a double-boiler and fill the external pot with water that covers almost half the internal pot.
– Place the drained Bird Saliva Soup in the internal boiler and add 1 – 2 bowls of water depending of the pieces cooked.
Place the drained Bird Saliva Soup in the internal boiler into the external boiler
– Cover both the internal and external pots and start boiling the pot.
– Once it’s boiling, turn to low flame to continue to boil for another 2 – 3 hours.
– When the Bird Saliva Soup is cooked to desired texture, stir in rock sugar to taste and cover for about 5 minutes to allow the sugar to dissolve fully
The highly recommended way to enjoy Bird Saliva Soup soup, is just with water and rock sugar
– Do remember to check the water in the external pot is not dried up and sufficient throughout the boil. Once cooked you can have your Bird Saliva Soup served hot or cold in a bowl depends on your preference.
You can also cook Bird Saliva Soup soup with rock sugar using a slow cooker like above method.


How to cook Bird Saliva Soup for pregnancy: here are easy steps for you
1pc Dry Bird Saliva Soup
1 cup Hot water
1 cup Drinking water or boiled then cooled water, for soaking
5-6 pcs Rock/Lump sugar
Step 1. Soak the dry Bird Saliva Soup in a bowl of water for about 30 minutes. Use drinking water or water that has been boiled and cooled down to soak the Bird Saliva Soup. After 30 minutes, carefully strain the Bird Saliva Soup and throw the water away.
Step 2. Put the soaked Bird Saliva Soup and pour 1 cup of hot water into a slow cooker. If you prefer thinner soup, you may add more hot water into the slow cooker. Cook the soaked Bird Saliva Soup and water in the slow cooker for about 2 hours.
Step 3. Once the Bird Saliva Soup is soft and cooked, add the rock sugar into the Bird Saliva Soup soup in the slow cooker and stir gently. You may add more rock sugar into the soup if you wish for sweeter Bird Saliva Soup soup. Turn the slow cooker off.
Step 4. Consume the Bird Saliva Soup soup when it is cooled.
I think the home-made Bird Saliva Soup soup tastes more natural and possesses a pretty strong ‘egg-like’ smell than instant or bottled Bird Saliva Soup drink bought from supermarkets or TCMshops. Nevertheless, the plain home-made Bird Saliva Soup soup is still bearable to drink.
I found this article that may be useful in preparing Bird Saliva Soup soup and alternatives in cooking home-made Bird Saliva Soup soup to make it more delectable by adding pandan leaves, dried red dates, dried longan, etc..
I found this article that may be useful in preparing Bird Saliva Soup soup and alternatives in cooking home-made Bird Saliva Soup soup to make it more delectable by adding pandan leaves, dried red dates, dried longan, etc..


So after reading this article, you might think that this is just another marketing gimmick, and Bird Saliva Soup is just glorified swiftlets’ spit. But really, look at the screengrab from above that I chanced upon on G.E.M. 鄧紫棋’s Weibo.
In her selfie with a bowl of homely made Bird Saliva Soup with fresh milk, she mentioned that she was “delighted and blessed to be able to enjoy this delicacy after a long day of work, and that she’s ready to hit to the gym after replenshing on protein.”
And this is not the first selfie of her with Bird Saliva Soup, mind you.
Really, what’s there more left to say? Even an Asian superstar drinks it regularly. What are you waiting for ladies?

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