Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 8, 2018

Medical Based Benefits Research Information

According to scientific analysis, on the average, 70% of the nests contain forms of glycoprotein. Moreover, numerous health benefits have been documented in the Classics of Chinese Medicine.

Benefits of Bird Saliva Soup recognised in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

1. Nourishes the lungs, prevents cough, reduces lung lesions, including asthma, shortness of breath, chronic cough, bloody sputum, hemoptysis, hemoptysis, bronchitis, sweating, low heat.
2. Protects and improves stomach functions, refrain from cold stomach symptom, vomiting. Weak stomach caused by stomach upset, nausea, gurgling sound.
3. Helps in healing and recovery after any sickness and illness which causes one to feel tired easily, strengthen stomach immunity.
4. Prevents perspirant, deficiency of vital energy, weak and sweaty spleen, frequent urination, nocturia.
5. Promotes smooth and healthy skin with wrinkle reduction.
6. Various amino acids found in Bird Saliva Soup help in increase brain's efficiencies especially in growing children, as well as strengthens the body's immune system.
7. The consumption of Bird Saliva Soups among pregnant women have shown beneficial results to both the baby and the mum, especially their immune system.
8. Bird Saliva Soup is a natural body moisturizing food and contains various amino acids.
9. Frequent consumption of Bird Saliva Soups products have also shown significant improvement in patients recovering process from the side-effects of all sorts of diseases-related therapy.
10. Bird Saliva Soup has neutral taste but it is a health food that is nourishing and reduces heatiness.
Medical Based Benefits Research Information
Medical Based Benefits Research Information

Modern medical research on Bird Saliva Soup

1. 'Beauty Gene'
Bird Saliva Soup consists of a very important peptide hormone known as epidermic growth factor ('EGF'). EGF plays a very important function especially in beautifying genes. It stimulates cell division and proliferation, promotes cell differentiation, repairs damaged skin and surgical wound quickly and promote wound healing. It helps in enhancing the tenderness of skin and lower the rate of aging.
2. Treatment in respiratory system
Bird Saliva Soup works miraculously for respiratory system related sickness. Several ancient medical books highlighted on the usefulness of Bird Saliva Soup towards the pulmonary system disease treatment. Further, it acts as 'lungs cleaning agent' for those heavy smokers.
3. Cardiac, anti hypertensive effect
Bird Saliva Soup extracts has heart strengthening ability. Regular consumption of the extracts has shown significant results in lowering blood pressure.
4. Anti-oxidant & anti-aging
Latest medical research shows that Bird Saliva Soup is an antioxidant-containing food which helps in detoxification. Long term consumption of Bird Saliva Soup has also shown to help delay in aging.
5. Health care for expectant-mothers
According to the research of Prof. Wang Bing, reknown specialist from the Department of Molecular and Life Sciences, Microbiology, Human Nutrition University of Sydney, Australia, Bird Saliva Soup contains sialic acid (SA) which is a type of carbohydrate useful for development of the brain cells and synaptic membrane. Hence, it is essential for a healthy growth of a baby. As a result, expectant mothers would ensure that they include food that has high content of SA in their diet.
According to Japanese research, Bird Saliva Soup contains among the highest content of sialic acid.
Regular consumption during pregnancy can strengthen the body of the mother and the foetus. As Bird Saliva Soups contains with richness protein and it can promote tissue growth, enhance immunity.
6. Anti-aging, improve blood circulation
It helps to rejuvenate body, boosts active lifestyle, enhance memory ability.
7. Promote better blood circulation
Rejuvenate healthy and smooth skin, reduce wrinkles and acne, stabilizes menstrual cycle, helps to elleviate menstrual sickness.
8. Prevent arteries blockages, hypertensions and heart related diseases.
9. Other benefits
Helps to elleviate joints pain and myodesopsia, strengthen the back and nourishes kidney. Relieves fatigue from pressure.
Increases immunity system, prevents fever, flu and cough. Effective in the treatment of Hepatitis-B, cirrhosis of the liver.

Gel Electrophoresis Ideally Identifies and Authenticates Cave and House Bird Saliva Soups from Common Adulterants.

Conference: Conference: 10th South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC), Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan., At Japan
Bird Saliva Soup is a high price animal bioproduct found in the Southeast Asian region of the world. Primarily, Bird Saliva Soup is used as a food in addition to its uses in several nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products. Extra care is always needed for ensuring its purity and quality. For earning extra profits, people adulterate different fake materials into Bird Saliva Soup to raise its weight and earn extra money. This is a serious offense, and therefore, it is very important to develop methods and protocols with ability to differentiate Bird Saliva Soup from the adulterants for the authentication of pure Bird Saliva Soup. In this direction, we developed a gel electrophoretic method for differentiating cave and house EBNs from white fungus, jelly, fish swimming bladder and egg white. In order to identify the adulterants and authenticate Bird Saliva Soup; efforts were made to investigate and compare the protein profiles of cave and house EBNs with white fungus, jelly, fish swimming bladder and egg white. The protein profiling indicated 10 bands for cave nests with two strong bands at 30 and 35 kDa. House nest proteins consisted of 9 bands with major bands at 120 and 140kDa. White fungus displayed three dim bands at 22, 35 and 75 kDa whereas egg white was found to contain two predominant bands at 35 and 75 kDa. Fish swimming bladder showed substantial streaking of protein bands after dilution whereas protein profile of jelly was without any band. The results of this study can be used for the identification of any of these fake materials in Bird Saliva Soup, and establishing the authenticity of the genuine Bird Saliva Soup. The method reported is simple and can be used in Bird Saliva Soup industry in the Southeast Asian region for checking the adulteration of Bird Saliva Soup.

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