Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 8, 2018

Bird Saliva Soup Soup: Simple, Straightforward and To-the-Point

For centuries, Chinese royalty, that is their women, has been known to consume Bird Saliva Soup to enhance beauty and aid in disappearance of fine facial lines. Their ingestion is also believed to make better skin and complexion. In Asia, Bird Saliva Soup, perhaps more than diamonds, are a woman’s best friend.
Lots of Asian celebrities consume this daily to look beautiful! When cooked, the Bird Saliva Soup takes on a gelatin texture, making it a lovely tong shui (“sweet soup”; Chinese dessert). The highly recommended way to enjoy Bird Saliva Soup soup, is just with water and rock sugar. Check out the recipe below to know how to cook Bird Saliva Soup perfectly.


Serves: 1
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 15 minutes


1 piece Xin Yan Bird Saliva Soup
1 bowl of water
A handful of rock sugar to taste
3 pieces red dates (optional)
2 pieces dried longan (optional)
5 pieces wolfberries (optional)
3 pieces American Ginseng Slices (optional)
Bird Saliva Soup Soup: Simple, Straightforward and To-the-Point
Bird Saliva Soup Soup: Simple, Straightforward and To-the-Point


1. Soak Bird Saliva Soup in a bowl of water overnight (8-10 hours) until expanded and softened.
2. Pluck out any feathers or debris using kitchen tweezers. Rinse and drain. To prevent wastage, run soaking water through a fine sieve to catch the small bits of Bird Saliva Soup.
3. Add soaked Bird Saliva Soup, 1 rice bowl of water, and any another optional ingredients in a small bowl and cover with lid.
4. Place small bowl inside a larger pot and make sure the water in the larger pot starts to boil. Once it starts boiling, close the lid for the small bowl and let it boil for 15 minutes. When the Bird Saliva Soup is cooked to desired texture, stir in rock sugar to taste and cover for about 5 minutes to allow the sugar to dissolve fully. Serve at room temperature or chilled.


1. Rather than weighing the Bird Saliva Soup, go by pieces per person. For one person, use 1 piece of Xin Yan Bird Saliva Soup. This equates to about 8-10 grams per person. We use 1 rice bowl of water per person.
2. Although red dates are a common addition in Bird Saliva Soup soup, we wouldn’t recommend using it. According to our own experience, the cheap red dates will act like a sponge which absorb the goodness of the Bird Saliva Soup soup (though it’s not so bad if you eat the red dates).
3. We highly recommend to enjoy Bird Saliva Soup in the purest way – just Bird Saliva Soup, water and rock sugar. You may also add American ginseng slices. If you find ginseng bitter or intend to consume at night (it improves alertness/提神), omit it.
4. Don’t fuss over prepping the Bird Saliva Soup, because our Bird Saliva Soup usually very clean. Simply soak the Bird Saliva Soup pieces in water overnight until fully expanded and softened, but not so long that the Bird Saliva Soup disintegrates into small bits. If there are any impurities such as debris and feathers (which is very normal, as it proves that it is 100% authentic Bird Saliva Soup), pluck them out using a kitchen tweezer, drain, and they are ready for cooking.
5. Avoid boiling Bird Saliva Soup for too long. Boiling them for too long will remove the solid chunks in the Bird Saliva Soup soup, and cause it to become very watery. It will also remove all the proteins and good nutrients inside the Bird Saliva Soup. The older folks especially dislike it when the stewed Bird Saliva Soup soup do not have solid chunks after cooking (i.e. very watery). We highly recommend boiling them for 15 minutes max.
6. For best results, use the traditional way of double-boiling instead of an electronic double-boiler slow cooker. However, an electronic slow cooker is an alternative, subjected to personal preference.
7. It is said that Bird Saliva Soup soup is best consumed at room temperature, or chilled, on an empty stomach (such as just before bed, or when you wake up in the morning). For maximum absorption, do not eat “heaty” snacks or medication a few hours before and after drinking Bird Saliva Soup soup.

Benefits of Bird Saliva Soup

Read this article to understand the main benefits of consuming Bird Saliva Soup that everyone should know.

7 Benefits of Eating Bird Saliva Soup:

Bird Saliva Soup is proven to:
1. Activate stem cells and induce their proliferation so as to decrease the rate of ageing.
2. Neutralise viruses and offer protection against flu, fever and cough.
3. Revitalise the skin layer by locking in moisture so that it remains supple, firm and youthful, while preventing
sagging and reducing wrinkles.
4. Reduce arthritic inflammation and pain, improve mobility and strengthen bones.
5. Moisturise alveolar sacs and strengthen the lungs.
6. Accelerate wound healing, especially corneal wounds.
7. Accelerate brain and nerve cell growth and development in infants and children, while slowing down the rate of dementia and decreasing the likelihood of Parkinson’s disease in the elderly.

Suitable for all ages, Company's Bird Saliva Soup can be enjoyed by:

Pre- and post-natal ladies:

A nutritious treat for pregnant women and new mummies, Bird Saliva Soup can strengthen the immune system to fight against common flu viruses during pregnancy and the parenting journey. Company's Home Delivery Bird Saliva Soup makes an especially thoughtful gift for pregnant women and busy new mums!

Infants and children:

Give your kids’ brain power a turbo charge with Bird Saliva Soup to accelerate the development of their brain and nervous system while strengthening their lungs. Bird Saliva Soup also fortifies them against flu viruses commonly found in pre-schools and childcare centres.
Young Professionals, Managers, Executives and Businessmen (PMEBs) Planning to passionately scale the corporate ladder? All the more reason you must not neglect your health. Work stress and late nights can wreak havoc on your well-being, so there is a need to build and maintain a good foundation with regular ‘doses’ of Bird Saliva Soup. Ladies will certainly appreciate its beauty-enhancement benefits; Bird Saliva Soup is known to keep skin supple, firm and youthful looking.

Wedding couples:

The wedding dinner may be the biggest party of your life, so a happy, healthy start to your romantic union will be crucial. Make time and effort to regularly enjoy your Bird Saliva Soup tonic together to ensure that both the bride and groom keep in good health and look your glowing best on your big day.

Aged 40 to 55 years:

You’ve toiled for years to build your career and your family. It is time to take care of your health too. Regular intake of nutritious Bird Saliva Soup can keep you in good shape as you work towards building your retirement nest. You would want to continue staying healthy and active when you finally retire, wouldn’t you?

The elderly:

A popular tonic as it helps to keep dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease at bay, senior citizens will also find the soft texture of Bird Saliva Soup palatable and easy to swallow and digest. What’s more, it may even help to lock in moisture and reduce wrinkles.


Doctors discourage patients from mixing western treatment with traditional Chinese medicinal herbs but Bird Saliva Soup is one of the rare exceptions that doctors increasingly allow, even for cancer patients. Of course, do make sure that you consume Bird Saliva Soup from a reputable source with high food safety standards. You wouldn’t want to jeopardise your health by adding more harmful chemicals to your diet!

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